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Deadline Friday,31st October, 2024

"Live your life to its fullest, that you can hardly wait to finally get up in the morning!"

Mentor was the name of the educator of Telemachos, Odysseus' son. From the role of mentor to Telemachos in the Homeric epic as someone who "introduces him to life" derives the term mentor for an older, wise, and benevolent advisor:in to a young person.

WHAT IS MENTORING? In the classical view of mentoring, an experienced person (the mentor) supports a less experienced person (the mentee) in developing him/herself further by passing on professional or experiential knowledge to the mentee and being available for exchange and discussion. Our program is an external "one-to-one" mentoring, where tandems are formed, each with one mentee and one mentor. The mentors are employed as managers in various companies in the hospitality industry, and the mentees attend one of the tourism and hotel management schools in Europe.

Mentorship is based on voluntariness and honorary work. Mentors do not receive any financial compensation by participating in the program. For the students, the mentoring program is an optional, free additional offer outside of school, provided by our organisation Szen3 Trainings & Coaching in Languages e.U. .